joi, 15 noiembrie 2007

fly high

laura: gata, plecam la paris
florina: lumea a asteptat 32 de ore in aeroport pentru intarzierea blue airlines :))
laura: :)):)):))
laura: doar atat?
florina: yea:))
florina: si a si cazut situ pe unde
floina: :))
florina : ou well
laura: :)):))
florina: it IS cheap
laura: :))
laura: motto" cheap! for a reason"
florina: :)):))
laura: "would you risk your life for cheapness? most people say yes! "
laura: :)):)):))
laura: welcome to blue
laura: deathlines
florina: :)):)):))
florina: "go down but with style"
flroina: "gamble your life now for 60 euros"
laura: "mediums sugest that you travel more when out of the earthly body so.."
florina: :)):))
florina: "the number of blue airlines survivors raised yesterday to : 6 !!!"
laura: :)):)):)):))
laura: "we sugest you bring your own parachute or alteast large plastic shoping bags
florina: "blue airlines ! the only travel agency that allows you to pilot the plane yourself!
laura: hahahha:))
laura: "OR fly on the wings for an ever cheaper cheaper ticket!
florina: :)):)):))
florina: "1 euro tickets allow you to attach yourself on the plane with glue
laura: :):)):)):))P)):))
laura: and special trained seaguls will carry your lugage
florina: :)):):)):)):))
laura: NEW BLUESUBMARINES - the cheapest way to travel to the bottom
florin: :)):)):)):))
florina: "buy tickets now and receive complimentary tshirt with "i survived blue airline"
laura: "blueairlines - atleast you feel no pain"
laura: :)):))
laura: "the only airline that has Obese Tessa working as a stewardess"
florina: :)):)):))
laura: along with other freaks from the circus--Travel with a show!
florina: :)):)):))
florina: "blue airlines- remote controlled planes!
laura: remote controled by very very bright french monkeys
florina: we're gonna die.
laura: hence my amusement

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