duminică, 3 august 2008

so.. Flo left for a while, if you want to be my temporary best friend, send a cv.
required : curly hair, thick glasses, perverted sense of humor, abnormal fetish for lamb chops and fancy sneakers, a mobile that righs anime tunes, wobbly walk, yellow teeth, patience, charm and dialog abilities that fluctuate between states of extreme eloquence and horrendous incoherence. Must be groomed and fresh at all times.

eight months of solitude before the green utopia shall be restored ->

5 comentarii:

me2 spunea...


Anonim spunea...

i want in. show me ur tits.

Laura Iancu spunea...

cv-ul dumneavoastra va fi luat in considerare, multumim pentru participare

Mastretta spunea...


Mastretta spunea...

i want in.show me your booobiez hahahaha :))